Evidence Based Risk Assessment
The goal of this post is to emphasize the importance of conducting concrete and detailed evidence-based risk assessments.
Meaning, not only conducting an Excel based assessment which won’t uncover the detailed results that company’s are looking for, and need.
See key pillars below, and contact us for more information.
Map and understand:
Project alignment
Understand the company’s environment
Interviews with key stakeholders
Conduct BIA (business impact analysis) for assets and systems
Create a Threat Heat Map → Attack Vector Map
Risk assessment and gap analysis:
Assess security controls effectiveness w/r to various attack scenarios - Threat Heat Map
Assess strengths and gaps across Prevention, Detection, Response and Recovery
Conduct a gap analysis w/r to best security practices and regulations (such as NIST, ISO, SOC/X)
Attack simulation:
Challenge security controls in a controlled and safe way
Answer the question – How Secure Are We?
This phase adds testable and imperial elements to the risk assessment process → EVIDENCE BASED
Red Team exercise
Concrete mitigation plan:
Define concrete and prioritized risk mitigation recommendations
Define operational plan to bridge the gap between risk/regulatory requirements and current state
Takes into account current threats and security controls
Time efficient, practical