Cyber Threat Landscape & Actors

The K Security team has extensive experience in threat landscape and actors analysis.

When you know your adversary, you have a better chance to plan and prepare - based on the capabilities that you’ll need to face.

The following are key points on how we see the current cyber scene.

  1. More and more threat groups and criminal organizations are founded and funded → developing tailor made hacking tools

  2. Remote work is a catalyst for attacks, as the corporate perimeter/firewall has been broken and is distributed now

  3. Asymmetric battlefield → “The Bazaar”

  4. Russia as a “Ransomware Factory”

  5. STARDUST CHOLLIMA, a North Korean criminal group - be on the lookout

  6. MUMMY SPIDER, a Russian criminal group - same

  7. SaaS and Shadow IT are one of the weakest links - hackers are targeting these

Reach out for more info about the above.

Kleid Security

CISO Services - Web3 and Web 2.0

Cyber Blackmail & Ransom


Evidence Based Risk Assessment